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It’s been a bit over a year since I bought my Nintendo Switch and since then I’ve played dozens of games on it. However, out of those dozens, only a few got completed and this is something that I plan to fix.
A solution to this would be to immediately start playing every single game I own to completion in a row but I don’t think that I’d be able to this without a serious introspection. I need to know why I drop games mid-through even though I’m enjoying them.
I clearly remember that my Nintendo Switch backlog started in early in February of 2018 when I bought a game called Earth Wars. A 2D -Action-Platformer where you go on missions, kill monsters and then use those monster’s drops to create newer and better gear. I saw in it some similarities with Monster Hunter and that made me crave for a real Monster Hunter game on my Switch, but the only one available was in Japanese, which I got a couple of days after buying Earth Wars. Leaving it as the first game to ever enter my backlog.
Monster Hunter XX got me hooked and entertained for a couple of months but as I grew tired of it the spring sales came and with it new games for me to enjoy. I remember not having that much money to spend on video games since I had moved recently to a new house. However, I did have a good amount of gold coins! And with those coins, I managed to get a great discount on three games , Monster Boy: Dragon’s Trap, Mighty Gunvolt Burst, Steamworld Heist and Kamiko.
Out of those four, only two were completed leaving Steamworld Heist and Kamiko with Earth Wars on my Nintendo Switch backlog, and I guess you can add Monster Hunter XX to it since I never got to finish it.
After these games I got The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild followed by Super Mario Odyssey, which I took my time with and I can say that I played them to completion. However, the same can’t be said for Dead Cells. I got it a while after beating Breath of the Wild and before owning Mario Odyssey and despite loving it I never got to see the credits roll. I guess I got a bit frustrated with the fact that I could never beat that last boss, but I’m up for the challenge again!
Up until this point I had five games in my backlog but I saw that number double in a heartbeat. The sixth game that would eventually be on my list would be Dragon Ball FighterZ. I played this game a lot when it released and I had so much fun learning how to perform cool combos and climb the online ladder! However, the same can’t be said for the Story Mode… I appreciate the new original story but the fights were so easy which made me lose interest.
While I was playing Dragon Ball FighterZ I decided to purchase Street Fighter: 30th Anniversary Collection since I was on a fighting game craze. There isn’t much to complete in it other than beating all the arcade mode in all games and since I’ve only done that on Street Fighter 2 this collection will remain will stay on my backlog.
We’re almost done!
December was a crazy month and I definitely bit more than I could chew. I got Super Smash Bros. Ultimate at release and that was all I needed, however, on Christmas I got Starlink, Owlboy and a 15€ Nintendo Eshop Card which I used to purchase Shining Force Resonance: Refrain. I’m done with Smash Bros. in terms of single-player content and right now I’m focusing on Shining Force so I’ll have to add two more games to my backlog.
And these would be all the games that I had left behind if it wasn’t for my brothers. They actually convinced me to buy Dark Souls with them because there was a buy three get one free discount on a nearby store. Well, I’ll just add it to my backlog along with the rest…
And those are all the games I have on my backlog right now! After writing and remembering all of this I came to the conclusion that I’m a very impulsive person and lack concentration and focus. Every time I get a new game I’m already looking forward to the next one, making me lose focus and interest in what I’m currently playing. Now that I’m aware of this I can hopefully try and complete the games on my backlog. I might even try streaming some of them!
How about you? How big is your Nintendo Switch backlog?
PS: During Halloween I got Hollow but let’s forget that games exist.